Thu. Sep 19th, 2024
Ford Taurus

I received this APRA response ages ago and never really thought anything of it. Now that I’ve seen the president’s 2018 contract, I think this has a bit more relevancy. According to this response, “Since the presidents of the state colleges are exempted from reimbursement requirements regarding commuting (personal) use of state/college owned vehicles, the College does not have or maintain the requested reimbursement records.” However, according to the 2018 contract, “President shall report and pay for any personal use in accordance with applicable state regulations.” I was unable to find any regulation which exempts presidents of state colleges from the reimbursement requirement.

Shortly after these records were created, the president traded the Taurus in for a new car. She’s lived in Westport for time time now, so I imagine those commuting miles have really been adding up. I think she had better get out her check book.

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